Arxiu Bibliogràfic de Santes Creus

Revista XXII – I (2005)

For our 18-page guide, our photographer Romain Laprade and local writer Selena Hoy took recommendations from our Japan team and visited a dozen locations that, between them, paint a full picture of this varied metropolis: from a new rice specialist revitalizing a shuttered shopping district, to a store inside a house in upmarket, residential Shirokane.


Evolució del municipi d’Aiguamúrcia de l’exclaustració ençà
per Josep Jesús Escoda Anguera

Els càtars: una veu silenciada, 
per Antoni Dalmau

Aportacions a l’estudi del monestir cistercenc femení de Santa Maria de Vallbona
per Núria Petit 


  • Magazine Details
    192 pages, offset-printed and perfect bound, full color on uncoated and coated paper. Printed in the United Kingdom.
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • Frequency